Saturday 20 February 2016

Friday February 19

Please enjoy the slide show below showing some examples of your child’s learning this week. In math the children investigated symmetry and fractions. The children had a chance to perform their reader’s theatre scripts in front of the K1 classes this week. They did a fantastic job of using lots of expression and spoke loudly and clearly! A few of the students were able to perform for their younger siblings which was quite special for them. In reading and writing we have started to explore non-fiction. Ask your child how non-fiction is different from fiction. The children enjoyed being in the pool for PE. Could you please make sure that each item of clothing is clearly labeled with your child’s name. We have already had some accidental shorts and shirts swapping because uniforms were not labeled. Thank you very much. The children will be preparing for their visit to Happy Lodge on Monday. Please do send in your child’s permission slip if you have not already done so. On Monday the pod will be turned in to a shopping centre and children will shop from a shopping list to fill their shoe box. The K2 students have made wrapping paper and we will use this to wrap the shoe boxes after they are filled with gifts for our elderly friends at Happy Lodge. 

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